Some Thoughts on This Series
Here's a quick video of my thoughts on the Foundation Warm-Up Series. I started writing these around 2010 and have made several revisions and adaptations, especially as I grew as a teacher.
Need to start working working on expanded fundamentals? Check these out!
Foundation Set #6
Foundation Warm-Ups Set #6 is the first true bridge to a normal full band warm-up sequence. Where the previous exercises focused unison, fundamentals building exercises, Foundation #6 begins to expand on that. There are still unison exercises included, but it begins to expand into the new territory of having instruments do what is best individually. For example, flexibility will now include exercises that fit together but have brass focus on lip slurs and woodwinds focus on register/octave slurs.
So you've built a strong foundation? Time to start the framing process. We'll be adding fixtures and a facade before you know it!