Set #1
This warm-up set is designed specifically to connect the Foundation Warm-Up Series to some of the more advanced warm-sets (i.e. Young Ensemble, Symphonic, etc). It is another installment in my longterm goal of having comprehensive and progressive sets of warm-ups that can easily be applied to the band rehearsal. This set includes long tones, some airflow studies, flexibility (lip/register/octave slurs), some basic articulation, technique options in Bb & Eb, and two short chorales to close out.
*Make sure to check out the concert band compositions for the "E" level to find some pieces correlating to these warm ups!*
Set #2
Set #2 is simply ONE (scaffolded) STEP more advanced than Set #1. I've extended some ranges, changed the keys for technique and chorales (Ab & F), and made a few more modifications. Once students achieve mastery of the first set, this should be a comfortable progression. My hope is that this will allow teachers to maintain the excellence (in tone, flexibility, technical facility, etc).
Register Stretching
"Register Stretching" is based off of exercises for clarinet players to practice crossing the break. There's a multitude of exercises to practice the fundamentals in different circumstances. This set allows for the full band to play along and work on varying fundamentals as well. Hopefully the cinematic accompaniment can make it fun to work on this important technique!
Extra Lip Slurs
This video/exercise works up the partials of the brass instruments. Starting with partial 2-3 (Bb to F), it works up slowly adding a note each time. It works for an ensemble, but also for individuals. The idea behind the "floating" concept is that this should be a relaxed process and focus on airflow as students move between partials. Woodwinds can focus on aistream and connecting notes.
Ensemble Singing
Many, many directors will tell you that singing within the concert band rehearsal is a game changer. I agree! However, sometimes when students get behind the instrument, they want to hide that singing voice. "I play an instrument so I don't have to sing." This resource is designed to help students through the singing process, making it more comfortable. It goes step by step, and needs nothing other than the ensemble seated in front of you. Try it out and see! Singing in band is a very good thing!!!