Amazon Explorers
Correlates to Foundation Warm-Ups #2
This is a piece that utilizes only the first six (typically) notes learned in beginning band. When writing this. I wanted to go for a different "feel" than a lot of typical beginning band music, which usually resides in Bb major. For this piece, I explored some modal harmonies and melodies while incorporating various "wooden" sounds in the percussion section. This also gives the students a chance to use their imagination and really start thinking about the amazing possibilities in programmatic music. It can also be a nice segue into a cross-curricular discussion on geography! Hope you enjoy exploring the Amazon Jungle!! (not the marketplace)
Majesty of the Mountains
Majesty of the Mountains is a majestic and triumphant piece for beginning band. It utilizes the first six notes learned (Do-La) in most beginning band methods. It uses full major chord sounds (mostly I, IV, V) to give the optimistic drive to the piece. The band plays tutti throughout allowing players to hear the harmonies and practice matching with the other instruments and timbres. Both the upper voices and lower voices get melodic passages. There is only one dynamic written at the beginning for ensembles that have not reached dynamics at the time of performance. If desired, add some in! This piece is specifically meant to give full ensemble, full length music for younger players.
Stronghold is an exciting medieval excursion for young wind players. It is in C minor with vibrant harmonies and strong rhythms to depict the might and majesty of a large stone castle. The percussion is also a driving force, giving young percussionists an opportunity to practice basic techniques, especially accents and stick height. The music is mostly tutti throughout to give musicians plenty of notes. All wind players get melodic (or harmony to the melody) passages. This piece offers a fun and engaging way to develop the youngest of musicians.
30 Progressive Exercises for Band (or individual study)
(Beginner to Very Easy)
This is the first iteration of a series of exercises that follows musicians as they progress through learning an instrument. The series generally follows the progression of what is used in most beginning band books.
These exercises can be used as - study etudes - ensemble or individual sight-reading - pass-offs exercises - even cut time practice (pull these back out when players are older and working on cut time. Would be a great "read-through" just to practice the concept) |
Rhythm Masterclass - Set #1
Rhythm Masterclass is a series of videos and counting exercises that follows the progression from the very beginning of learning to read and count music. Each video includes a four step process: count and clap with scrolling line, count and clap without line, sizzle/tizzle and do the fingerings with music on screen, PLAY with music on screen. The rhythms/music correlate with my Progressive Exercise Series (listed above). The idea is to progress gradually through rhythms, not adding too much too fast. I'm a huge believer in treating reading new rhythms like playing long it every day!!